Source: Tyndall Center

This is a recorded seminar on the topic of Climate Change, Inequality, and Energy which took place online last May 26, 2021 with guests Prof. Charles Jumbe and Pierre Telep, with Dr. Sarah Mander, Vanessa Mukoro, and Christopher Walsh of Tyndall Manchester.
Access to clean and affordable energy is crucial to support economic development, with the potential to alleviate poverty, improve access to healthcare, improve wellbeing and reduce global warming at the same time. Whilst global access to energy is increasing, with 90% of the global population having access to electricity in 2018 compared to 83% in 2010, still 789 million people are without access to electricity across the world, with inequalities remaining within, and between, nations. Despite progress, particularly in improving energy access in urban areas, in sub-Saharan Africa around 600 million people lack access to electricity, and 900 million to clean cooking fuels. Universal access to energy through clean sources comes with complex challenges. Decentralized solutions can be successful, however up-front capital requirement and costs of usage must be commensurate with beneficiaries' income levels. Regulatory frameworks also play a critical role in attracting investments.
This seminar features Prof Charles Jumbe, Professor of Economics and Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Malawi, and Mr Pierre Telep, Director of Climate Platform and Climate Finance Consultant at the African Development Bank, with contributions from Tyndall Manchester Researchers Velma Mukoro and Christopher Walsh; it is chaired by Dr Sarah Mander (Tyndall Centre at the University of Manchester). It will reflect on challenges of providing energy access to all, including issues of inequality, and energy access policies for climate finance, development finance and leveraging private sector finance on access.