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Citizens' Platform: Advocacy Action at UNESCO World Press Freedom Day Conference

Updated: May 27, 2024

As the UNESCO Conference for World Press Freedom Day unfolds in Santiago, Chile, from May 2nd to May 4th, 2024, Citizens' Platform on Climate Change and a Sustainable World (Citiplat) stands at the forefront, orchestrating a series of impactful initiatives. These endeavors are poised to engage diverse stakeholders and catalyze meaningful discourse on pressing global issues.

Citiplat's agenda is comprehensive, spanning all three days of the conference under the title Mucho Ruido y Pocas Nueces (All Show and No Go). On the afternoon of May 2nd, Citizens' Platform will converge at the esteemed Diego Portales University, hosting a dynamic roundtable discussion. This session, open to students and the public, will feature a lineup of important speakers, delving into crucial topics at the intersection of climate change, sustainability, and press freedom.

Transitioning into May 3rd, the focus shifts to the iconic Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center, where Citiplat's journalists will actively participate in interviews and panel discussions organized by UNESCO. These engagements provide an invaluable opportunity to amplify the platform's voice on the international stage, advocating for substantive action and policy reform.

As the conference draws to a close on May 4th, the Citizens' Platform  will culminate its efforts with a pivotal event at the Gabriela Mistral Center. Titled "All Show and No Go" (or "Mucho Ruido y Pocas Nueces" in Spanish), this gathering will convene a diverse array of stakeholders to share with the audience the conclusions and planning agreed at the 2nd May brainstorming round table.

The initiative aims not only to reflect on the insights garnered throughout the conference but also to chart a path forward for tangible progress. As the UNESCO World Press Freedom Day Conference unfolds, all eyes turn to Santiago, where the voices of change resonate, and the seeds of progress are sown. Citiplat’s main objective, already agreed with UNESCO’s sectors, is urging the need of elaborating and launching a world information and communication plan coordinated with all credible stakeholders and under UNESCO’s leadership. The plan includes renewed information strategies, subregional platforms of reference and an alliance among content producers to multiply outreach and impact.


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