Beyond what is mine and what is yours, we seek what is ours. This is the credo that inspires us to Citizens' Platform on Climate Change and a Sustainable World (Citiplat).
We want to cultivate a space that is about taking ownership of our destiny.
Under the umbrella of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Communication and Information sector (UNESCO CI), we have launched Citiplat as a completely independent editorial initiative that provides you with highly accurate information, while also helping to eliminate the confusion created by false news. In synergy with UNESCO, curving disinformation is a major chapter.
Kicking off Citizens' Platform is a specialized group of journalists, communicators, artists and business managers who interact with a worldwide network of scientists, experts and academics, film and video producers, photographers, architects, graphic designers, entrepreneurs, youth activists and government and intergovernmental officials.
As we look to the future we want to build, we want to inspire action today through daily reporting on initiatives around the world that create different ways to produce, consume and live sustainably, thus offering options to the growing demand: what can I do?
Transforming our world is a complex process. We are asking for your help through brainstorming and honest debates that include gathering your ideas and creativity on ways to live sustainably. We are building a reliable reference point, a one-stop-shop where you can get what you need and want.
Many voices, all generations included, globally but also locally, and this is where the change happens. This is the citizens' platform and that includes you. In particular, Youth Solutions, already launched with UNESCO’s support.
However, there is still another urgency: making our voice heard, sharing knowledge collectively, producing high quality results to ensure maximum impact and awareness. Together with UNESCO, Citiplat is catalysing a movement: The Climate Change Communication Convergence, a worldwide multi stakeholder partnership framed in the values of solidarity, equity, inclusion and democracy, which seeks the empowerment of each of its members as the right way to empower all of us on the road to tomorrow.
We invite you to join us and share your stories, ideas and information on stimulating action to curb climate change and build a sustainable world.